The escape across the Pyrenees of Jewish refugees and Allies during the Second World War

During World War II over 120,000 people went across the Pyrenees to escape from the Nazi terror.

Most were Jews but there were also military allies and Germans and French resisters. In Catalonia evasion networks to save these refugees were created. The network of rescue ranged from border crossing in the Pyrenees to the port of Barcelona.

This project defines and retrieves this European history and disseminates through training and public education these facts, little known within the extended period of deportations and internments during World War II. 

To achieve these objectives the project consists of several stages:

A research stage: files, private memoirs, witnesses...

A training stage: realization of three seminars with the aim of training teachers, culture technicians, people in charge of museums and libraries and high school teachers, besides a concluding conference study open to general public.

A broadcasting stage: carrying out a website that collects all information concerning the project, creating promotional materials, publishing the proceedings out of Barcelona study days open to citizens and producing an audiovisual presentation based on interviews and personal witnesses.

Alfredo Kindelán capità general de Catalunya

Alfredo Kindelán capità general de Catalunya

Ágape organizado por el stand de Alemania en la Feria de Barcelona

Ágape organizado por el stand de Alemania en la Feria de Barcelona

Autor: Josep M. Pérez Molinos. Arxiu del Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.

Autor: Josep M. Pérez Molinos. Arxiu del Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.